beta • GameDev Task Tracker FAQ

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How can I track my game development tasks and progress?

beta is a free task tracking tool designed specifically for game developers. It helps you visualize your time investment across different aspects of game development like art, audio, design, development, communications, and refinement. Watch your progress grow with an intuitive polar chart as you complete tasks.

How does the task tracking work?

Simply add tasks to your 'do' list, then move them to 'done' when completed. For each completed task, you can specify how many hours you spent and allocate percentages across different game development categories. The polar chart automatically updates to show where you're investing your time.

Can I track my game's inspiration?

Yes! Beta includes dedicated spaces for you to note what game you're building and what inspires you. These spaces are always editable, allowing you to refine your vision as your game evolves.

How is my progress visualized?

Your progress is shown through a color-coded polar chart that breaks down your time investment across different game development categories. Tasks in your 'done' list are also color-coded based on their dominant category, giving you a quick visual overview of your focus areas.

Is my data saved?

Yes, all your tasks, progress, and game information are automatically saved in your browser's local storage. To maintain your progress, make sure to keep using the same browser.

Have feedback or questions?

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